The two biggest highlights of the day for me were doing Make n' Takes, and getting to go up on stage for winning the Artisan Award (so cool!!)
Here we are doing our make and take projects (which I haven't had a chance to take pics of, yet).
And here I am up on stage being recognized for the Artisan Award. It was so cool, Shelli gave me such a great big smile and hug. I received a bracelet and rose, as well.
Ok, it is definitely night-night time! I wish a had more time to post more pics and info, it has been a wonderful day!! Tomorrow morning, I am off to have breakfast with Shelli, more classes and seeing tons of fun ideas, and then I get to go to dinner with Shelli and the other Artisan Award Winners.
Happy Stampin!
jensenadventures 2p · 763 weeks ago
Angie Tieman · 763 weeks ago