Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's!!

Look at all the fun I've been having for St. Patty's Day!! These fun little faces are disguising some delicious peppermint patties sandwiched between the front and back. I used bamboo skewers poked into floral foam to hold them in place. Aren't those Leprechauns and Pots of gold adorable?? I thought so, too, when I saw them on this blog: http://www.stamperdog.com/ (so check it out!!) What would St. Patty's Day be without a little Luck O' the Irish?? And this cute little guy below?? Oh, yes, I had to make one, too, when I was inspired by this blog: http://procrastistamper.blogspot.com/ There are just so many fantastic bloggers and ideas out there, I had way too much fun making all these fun St. Patty's day projects!!
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